
Industrial Products & Natural Resources

Endura is a part of H & R Johnson Group, India's leading tile and bathroom solutions provider. IPNR Endura offers a wide range of Natural Resources and Industrial Products. The company is engaged in manufacturing speciality Chemicals and additives, Soluble Salts, Ceramic Stains, Ceramic Filter Discs, Ceramic Precision Dies & Moulds, Antimicrobial Compounds, Frits, and other minerals. All of these products are developed by the expert In-house R&D team. IPNR Endura has 4 patents and has quality certification of ISO 9001 And 14001, along with OHSAS 18001 (certified for excellence in safety standards)

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Products & Services

An idea born out of


In the current business milieu and world of
continual evolution, Companies that embrace
innovation are better equipped to overcome
challenges and seize new opportunities.
Innovation is critical to stay ahead in the game,
it leads to efficiency & business growth.
Our team of expert professionals strive hard to
conceptualize and deliver products that give us a
technological as well as a competitive edge.
Due to our innovative practices, we have always
been able to add novelty to our product line and
processes and ensured customer satisfaction.

Awards & Certificates

Our impeccable products and services have won us many coveted Awards and Certificates, these are also the reflection of customers’ and stakeholders’ ever-growing trust that constantly inspires us to innovate, and testimony of work through the years.


Renewal of in - House R&D Units

Renewal of in - House R&D Units

ISO 9001:2008

ISO 9001:2008

ISO 9001:2008

ISO 9001:2008


the key driver

As IPNR is based on innovative
quality products, knowledge is the
key driver in this initiative.

A number of young scientists / researchers
working under guidance of senior reputed
scientists to maintain our technological edge.
This division is also associated with various R&D
institutions with specific expertise. Our R & D
department is recognised by Department of
Scientific & Industrial Research (DSIR),
Govt. of India for its innovative work in research
& development. Our manufacturing and R&D are
ISO 9001-2008 certified. We have a Research
Advisory Committee (RAC) consisting of esteemed
personalities from academics and industry.

We are everywhere…

International Reach

Our Industrial Products & Natural Resources (IPNR) division is expanding its sales activities across all countries. We take pride that the Johnson brand name is globally associated with high quality and reliability led products.

Happy Clients
Years of Manufacturing